The key technology of this model-meta data and its management, the capture for incremental data& is explained. 文章介绍了地图数据更新的目的和方法,以及数据增量探测与数据更新技术的关系。
Research and Application on the Incremental Data Processing Technology in Network Audit 联网审计中增量数据处理技术的研究与应用
Provide the service on a subscription or pay-per-view basis to generate incremental data revenue. 为终端用户提供订阅或按次计费服务来产生数据增值业务。
This paper proposes a neural network based incremental data indexing method. 介绍一种用于经纬仪引导数据的处理方法。
We implement trigger property extraction and cascade triggering ring discovering algorithm, bring forward the concept of incremental data source, which composes triggers and delta tables to store update information, and add it to the Uniform Data Model. 文中解决了触发器属性抽取和级联死锁判断问题,结合触发器和变更数据存储表(Delta表)概念引入了增量数据源,并将增量数据源纳入到统一数据模型中进行管理。
As far as the data source with log system support, the content of the log records in Oracle, SQL Server was analyzed and the procedure to extract incremental data was proposed. 对于有日志系统支持的数据源,分析了Oracle、SqlServer数据库的日志记录内容,分析了获取增量数据的流程。
Multidimensional Data Model the Building of Incremental Data Warehouse 支持增量式数据仓库建设的多维数据模型
Research of incremental data mining based on swarm intelligence 基于群体智能的增量数据挖掘方法研究
The incremental data mining algorithm based on association rules 一种基于关联规则的增量数据挖掘算法
Incremental data mining is updating the result of data mining incrementally, when data increase in the large data set ( such as database or datahouse), it is not updating the total data set. 增量式挖掘,就是对于大数据集(数据库或数据仓库等),当数据递增的时候,增量地更新数据挖掘结果,而不是对每次更新后的整个数据集进行挖掘。
In succession, the technology of incremental data mining based on Rough Set theory is worked over. 本文着重研究了基于粗糙集的增量式数据挖掘技术。
This paper intends to illustrate the data extracting system design, with focus on two key technologies in data extracting, namely, incremental data extracting and duplicate record detecting. 本文设计并实现了数据获取系统,主要研究数据获取中的两个关键技术:数据源增量数据获取技术和相似重复记录检测技术。
A Neural Network Based Incremental Data Indexing Method 基于神经网络的增量式数据索引机制研究
A Method of Getting Incremental Data Based On DB2 在DB2中提取增量数据的一种方法
General ETL tools have some flaws in getting incremental data and processing abnormal data. 现有通用ETL工具在增量抽取方面存在一些问题,如不能抽取多个异构数据源的增量数据以及在处理增量数据时造成数据丢失的异常问题。
To deal with this problem, this paper proposes an XML-based middle data denotation that can be extensible to greatly reduce the complexity of interaction among different file formats. Version control and incremental data denotation are also discussed in detail in this paper. 文章设计了基于XML可扩展的中间数据源表示方法及其支撑构架,并实现了版本控制和增量数据的表示与集成,大大降低了异构数据源互访的复杂度。
And we study clustering data mining technology and describe the commonly rules, and we introduce the incremental data mining method; so we accumulate experience for farther study and definitude requirement. 研究了聚类挖掘技术,说明了评价聚类的一般准则,简单介绍了现有的典型的增量挖掘方法,为进一步研究和学习积累了经验,明确了需求。
Information Sources Monitor Intelligent Agent consists of transaction log analyzer, EGA rule system and view incremental data computing and sending components. 我们首先提出了用信息源监视智能代理解决数据抽取问题的方法,信息源监视智能代理由信息源事务日志分析器、ECA规则系统和视图增量计算和报送器组成。
On the side, the influences of incremental data upon association rules and the confidence are analyzed in detail. The problem of pruning candidate frequent item set based on new support is also discussed. 另外还详细地分析了数据增量对关联规则和信任度的影响,探讨了基于新支持度的候选项的修剪问题。
Secondly, an algorithm of incremental data integration is proposed, in which the integration order of record sets is determined by the result of their quality evaluation results. It is efficient for improving both data quality and efficiency of integration. 同时,给出了增量式数据集成方法,即通过对记录集合的数据质量评估结果决定集成的顺序,有效地提高了数据集成的执行效率。
It designed incremental synchronization systems for distributed heterogeneous databases and established a central database, which synchronize the incremental data captured by each distributed databases and the central database through synchronization strategy, based on Web Service. 借助同步策略,设计了基于Web服务的分布式异构数据库增量同步更新系统,建立了中心数据库,通过事件驱动传输机制,将分布式数据库和中心数据库各自将捕获的增量数据进行同步。
The fingerprint-based snapshot differential algorithm for incremental data detection is then presented. The idea of message digest is first introduced, which aims to improve the efficiency, followed by a theoretical analysis on limitations and correctness of the proposed algorithm. 接着,提出一种基于数据指纹的快照差分算法,引入了信息摘要的思想来提高算法效率,并对该算法的局限性和正确性进行理论分析。
We thoroughly investigate the quality measure ( data summarization index) of incremental data bubbles. 详细研究了递增数据泡的质量度量标准(数据概要指标)。
The rough set incremental data mining is solved by dynamic reduction. 粗糙集增量数据挖掘采用动态约简方法得以解决。
Finally, the incremental data detection method based on snapshot differential technology implemented in this thesis has been successfully deployed in the Telecoms Company Business Information Integration Support Platform to extract the incremental data in an automatic manner. 最后,将所实现的基于快照差分技术的增量数据检测方法部署到电信企业经营信息集成支撑平台中,实现增量数据的自动抽取功能。
According to the characteristics and structure of current drug database and combining with the designed data warehouse, this paper designs and implements the ETL tools. Then does some researches of the Incremental data update solutions and an approach for detecting approximately duplicate Data Warehouse records. 根据目前药品数据库特点以及数据结构特点,结合设计好的药品数据仓库,设计并实现了ETL工具,同时研究了增量数据更新解决方案和相似重复数据处理解决方案。
It designed the major modules of incremental data synchronization system of distributed heterogeneous database, and implemented a prototype system including the registration of heterogeneous databases, data transformation, change data capture, incremental synchronization of updated data, event-driven data transmission and transaction processing. 设计了分布式异构数据库增量同步更新系统主要模块,实现了一个包括异构数据库注册与数据转换,变更数据捕获,增量数据同步更新,事件驱动传输,事务处理在内的原型系统。
It implemented the prototypes of major modules of this system, including the event-driven architecture and change data capture on client side, the data access based on data service and incremental data refresh on server side. 实现了近实时数据更新系统主要模块的原型。包括客户端的事件驱动体系,变更数据捕获,基于数据服务的数据访问,服务器端的数据增量刷新。
Analyzing the change operations to the database, we can capture the incremental data. 通过分析数据库的变更操作来对数据库中的增量数据进行捕获。
Then proposing incremental hierarchical clustering algorithm based on Study of abnormal incremental data the characteristics of the virus, which is a cohesive hierarchical clustering algorithm, using the designated representative point of each cluster to represent the actual data. 再针对手机病毒的特点提出了基于异常数据学习的增量层次聚类算法,该算法是一种凝聚型层次聚类算法,用指定的代表点来表示每簇中的实际数据。